

123 456 7890

123 456 7890

Astra House, 23-25 Arklow Road, SE14 6EB

Astra House, 23-25 Arklow Road, SE14 6EB

Training Courses

Alpha Ten Training Centre offers corporate training to individuals, public and the private sectors. Some of the trainings and seminars are conducted on short term basis and may lead to certification upon completion of the course. The following are some of the areas covered by our trainings programmes.

Management Training

Our Management courses cover several management skills that are applicable to almost all managerial roles in any field or industry. It is for those who require the management skills to directly manage and lead others. Our Introduction to Management course is for managers and team leaders who have not had any formal training are relatively new to management.

Managing others can turn out to be a tough challenge because it covers different duties and responsibilities. The course gives a complete overview of what a manager needs to know in managing and leading others. The delegates will leave with a deeper understanding of what good management should be and how it can be used to get the best from others at the end of the course.

The Management training course is also useful as a refresher training course for managers and team leaders with more experience who wish to discover and be kept abreast with best practice of communicating, motivating and leading a team.

Courses under Management Training

Team management and motivation

Team Building

The art of leadership

Motivation and Reward

Inspiring Your Team

Management Development

People and team management

Conflict management

Managing change

Essential skills for managers


 Educational Training

 Our Educational Training is a comprehensive course designed to bring every teacher and lesson taught to a standard acceptable globally. It helps develop teachers to ensure they are up to date with the latest safeguarding issues and the current educational framework.

Courses under Educational Training

Outstanding teaching intervention

Classroom management

Tools for outstanding teaching

Outstanding teaching

Classroom leadership

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